Ergoline Excellence 880. Level 5 – Tanning bed – 12 minute max.Mystic InnovationSwimwear, totes, sunglassesDiscounted services available for some parties. (Call 507-201-3069 for details)Angela explaining the hydromassageProud owners of Ultra Beach (Billy and Angela Brooks) posing for Waseca County News articleTeeth Whitening Kits -available at Ultra BeachTeeth WhiteningLevel 3, Room 10. Pretty BIG room!Angela, behind the counter at Ultra BeachProud owner (Angela)But first we have to build it! She really impressed me when she took up this task!Team Meeting: Billy, Angela, Tatiana, Jen, Mariana, SaraUltra Beach Team (SELFIE)RetailRetailSwimwearLevel 2SaunaExterior image: 102 South State Street Waseca, MN 56093
Hi Micayla, give us a call 201-3069 and we can get you set up with the right package, lotion etc ~Angie